Welcome to The Guillory Group School of Real Estate, where we make commercial leasing simple, clear and approachable. Whether you're an agent, landlord or tenant, our expert-led courses provide the knowledge and confidence to navigate commercial real estate successfully.
Verify the month you're viewing. We try to list about 3 months at a time.
Verify class location. Some classes are taught via Zoom ONLY and others are IN-PERSON.
The Provider (host) can be an association. Check their website to register. If we are hosting, go to REGISTER FOR CLASS page.
At the BOTTOM of this page, you'll find links to all class hosts. Follow that host's registration and payment instructions.
You DON'T have to be a member of a specific REALTOR® association to sign up for class with them.
Please contact the Provider offering the class for questions. We're not authorized to discuss absences, tardies or refunds for participating associations.
TACS courses taught by mish guillory & Ginger Unger
Please see our “Course Descriptions” page using the link below to obtain course numbers for any TACS course listed below. All courses are for CE credit. https://commercialleasing101.com/course-descriptions
APRIL courses taught by michica 'mish' guillory
Please see our “Course Descriptions” page using the link below to obtain course numbers for any course listed in the April schedule offering CE credit. https://commercialleasing101.com/course-descriptions
MAY courses taught by michica 'mish' guillory
Please see our “Course Descriptions” page using the link below to obtain course numbers for any course listed in the May schedule offering CE credit. https://commercialleasing101.com/course-descriptions
The good news is you typically do not have to be a member of a specific REALTOR® association to enjoy their classes. Non-members may need to set up an account on the site to register. If you have questions, please contact that organization using contact information on their respective website. Registration methods will vary by organization.
Select a link below!
GMAR - Greater McAllen Association of REALTORS®
ARBOR – Arlington Board of REALTORS®
CCAR – Corpus Christi Association of REALTORS®
GGSORE – Guillory Group School of Real Estate
HAR – Houston Association of REALTORS®
MTX – MetroTex Association of REALTORS®
If you or your company are sponsoring an instructor's fee, then this is the link for you!